There are several ways to increase effectiveness at home. These include exercise, unconventional diets, medications and a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, you need to solve the problem comprehensively. Only this way can restore male health and consolidate results in the long term.
In this article, you will learn how to quickly improve men’s abilities through natural means (products, recipes, sports activities, and medications).

Exercises to improve men's home effectiveness
As we age, the muscles of the prostate become weaker, which can lead to poor erections and shortened intercourse time. Because of this, men will feel psychological discomfort and libido disappears. Training will help restore impaired function when there is a problem with effectiveness. The following types of exercises are considered effective:
- The movement of the genitals is carried out during the morning erection. If it is weak, you should try to strengthen the muscles of the perineum. At the beginning, 5-10 moves are enough, and increase several times a day. A week later, the man must perform 30 contractions, each contraction needs to keep the penis in a tense state for 2-3 seconds. After a period of time, using weighted agents in training, the number of actions increased to 40-50.
- The next exercise is to rotate the pelvis for 2-3 minutes a day. Exercise takes place in the form of circles and figure eights, which can prevent blood stagnation in the pelvic area.
- One of the most effective and oldest ways to restore poor erections is to "walk" on the hips. To do this, sit on the floor and try to move 2 meters back and forth.
- You can improve blood circulation in the small pelvis by raising your legs above your head. To do this, the man needs to lie on a level surface, lift and keep his limbs in the raised position for 15 seconds. The number of approaches is 5 to 10 times.

Hips exercises can improve blood flow to the reproductive system
important!Generally speaking, any exercise and physical activity have a positive effect on sexual health. Sedentary work is considered particularly harmful, so it is definitely recommended to warm up during breaks.
PC muscle training

The pubococcygeus muscle is located between the scrotum and anus. She is responsible for the work of the urinary tract, the flow and outflow of blood in the penis. To feel it, you need to stop the flow when urinating. Results of regular exercise:
- Reduce the risk of prostate disease;
- Increased duration of sexual intercourse;
- The erection becomes long lasting.
Exercise involves tightening, maintaining and relaxing muscles. For starters, squeezing and resting for 3 seconds is enough, and the number of repetitions is 20-30 times. As of this weekend, 50 visits have been completed. Training at this speed lasts for 14 days. The residence time of the muscles gradually increased, reaching 10 seconds, and resting for 4 seconds. The number of repetitions is increased to 100 times.
They work at an accelerated speed for a month, and then, in order to maintain this state, men need to choose the best load for themselves. It is important to pay attention to execution skills and focus only on the work of the PC muscles and not strain the hips and abdominal muscles.
notes! The results of Kegel training appear after 2-6 months, depending on the situation. Check with a towel, put the towel on the penis and lift it up, if there is no difficulty, the goal has been achieved.
How to increase effectiveness in a private way
Vegetables, fruits and herbs have many beneficial properties. Decoctions and tinctures are made from them and eaten fresh. They can not only enhance effectiveness at home, but also enhance the strength of the entire body.
Honey and walnut recipe
Honey combined with walnuts contains zinc, selenium, magnesium and other minerals necessary for human health. Honey has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system, and nuts have a long-term recovery effect. There are several recipes with ingredients:
- Grind in a meat grinder100 gNuts, pour20mlLiquid honey and mix. Must consume quality4A few hours before going to bed. The course duration is 14 to 30 days.
- Garlic to taste120 gramsSteamed, add50gRosehip soup,100 gWalnut, pink radiola60 grams, sugar500 g. . . Take 1 tablespoon of this medicine, 2 times a day, before meals. The use period is 60-90 days.
- Mix in a container500 gChopped nuts350Grams of honey,50gAloe vera juice, parsnip seeds100 g. . . The mixture is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon each time, before meals for 30 days.

important! Honey has some contraindications that need to be familiarized before use. Allergy sufferers need to be especially careful, this product can cause anaphylactic shock.
Folk recipe of ginseng tincture

The plant is widely used in oriental and domestic folk medicine to treat various diseases including sexual dysfunction. Ginseng root was considered a powerful aphrodisiac and was used by ancient emperors. You can prepare tinctures yourself in one of the following ways:
- Crush 25 grams of plant roots, pour 1 cup of vodka, and place in a dark room. The product can be used within 2 weeks. Take 50 grams at night.
- Pour medium-sized ginseng roots into a 2-3 liter bottle of vodka or alcohol for 2 weeks.
Add 30-35 drops of the finished tincture to 1/4 cup of water. This medicine is taken every day, half an hour before breakfast. The duration of use is determined by the degree of violation, and the drug has side effects and contraindications.
Garlic tincture
The effects of garlic slowly manifest, and one can feel the effect on the potency through regular use of tinctures. This product can thin the blood, promote good inflow and outflow of the genitals, as well as:
- Reduce the risk of prostatitis;
- Increase the quantity and quality of semen;
- Promote the production of testosterone.
The tincture is made from 1 head of garlic. Put the peeled and halved cloves into the jar, pour 0. 3 ml of vodka and place in the dark for 3 days. Take the filtered liquid with a tablespoon of water, 3 times a day, before meals. Most men notice an improvement in efficacy after one week of treatment.

Alcohol tinctureNot suitable for everyone, in this case it can be done on the water. To do this, use one kilogram of product, put it in a 3 liter jar, and fill it with hot water. The liquid should be kept in the dark for 30 days, shaking every day. The resulting medicine is consumed in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Add milk with a spoon after meal.

Before synthetic drugs existed, the ancient Romans used onions in their homes to increase their effectiveness. Vegetables normalize the work of the endocrine and nervous system and help the gonads to function normally. Onions are healthy and fresh, they can be used in salads, and sour cream is used as a condiment.
You can cook onions with honey. To do this, crush a small head and add 300 grams of beekeeping product. This composition is consumed after meals, one tablespoon, three times a day. The treatment time is 1 month.
Efficient products, list
Many foods have an impact on men's health. People use them every day without knowing their beneficial properties. The list of products with increased effectiveness includes:

- Mackerel, flounder;
- Mussels, shrimp, crayfish, squid; stingray;
- Beef, turkey, horse meat, rabbit meat, chicken;
- quail eggs;
- Bananas, oranges, lemons, watermelons, pomegranates, dried dates, figs;
- Avocados, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, beets;
- Raspberries, blueberries;
- Pumpkin seeds, ginger;
- chocolate;
- Freshly squeezed pomegranate, pumpkin, celery juice;
- Pine nuts, nutmeg, peanuts;
- Cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, yogurt, etc.
The effects of the products are different, some appear almost immediately afterwards, but it lasts a little bit, so they are before sexual intercourse. Others need to be consumed regularly for long-lasting effects.
Get more and more active rest

According to statistics, 1/8 of the male population suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, which is caused by factors such as excessive stress, heavy workload, and environmental conditions. Due to this problem, even after a long period of sleep and rest, the fatigue will not disappear. In order to restore physical strength, it is recommended that men arrange more active rest periods for themselves, during which all gadgets need to be turned off. You can go camping, fishing or sports with the whole family. Because of this active rest, you will feel full of energy and strength.
Normalize sleep
The maximum concentration of sex hormones is reached during sleep, which explains the appearance of erections in the morning. If you don’t get enough sleep, these substances will not be fully produced, which will have a negative impact on your sex life. Lack of sleep can also affect the work of all systems, and a person can become distracted and irritable. The results of the study found that people need 8 hours of rest to recover.

In order to feel rested and get maximum effectiveness, you need to provide a dark, quiet and comfortable temperature in the room. It is recommended to sleep on your back without raising the pillow. The position on the stomach is contraindicated because it disrupts the blood circulation in the small pelvis.
Means and preparations to restore effectiveness
Pharmaceutical manufacturers sell various drugs to increase their effectiveness. Their composition, cost, indications and contraindications are different. Before using the medicine, you need to consult a doctor.
Sildenafil-based drugs are designed to improve erectile function without affecting libido and without causing desire. The drug list based on sildenafil includes a large number of drugs. Experts will help you choose the right drug and study the problem in detail.
important!Some men do not fully understand the mechanism of action of the drug, so they may be disappointed with the effect. The medication only helps to wake up in the context of sexual stimulation.
Quit bad habits
Excessive drinking can affect the production of testosterone, which leads to a decrease in potency and libido. The sperm count decreases and they become lethargic. In addition to the above-mentioned hazards, anesthetic substances can also cause chromosomal mutations. Nicotine has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, leading to high blood pressure and directly affecting erection. Quitting bad habits is the first thing a man needs to do to regain effectiveness.
If you take care of your health in time and don't let the situation develop naturally, male health problems can be eliminated. This is especially important for those who cannot conceive, as well as young people, because they increasingly turn to doctors with erectile dysfunction.