Impotence after 50 years: How to recognize and deal with it

The decline in sexual function in adulthood is an absolutely normal stage of physiological aging of the body. However, we are talking about a reduction in effectiveness, not a complete loss. Impotence after the age of 50 is a result of unhealthy lifestyle, advanced disease and bad habits. However, even in this case, it is possible and necessary to solve the problem with the help of medications and alternative treatments.

Causes of impotence in adulthood

Decline in sexual function in adulthood is due to reduced synthesis of male hormones. For some men, this happens after age 50, and for others after age 60, but everyone will sooner or later experience a decrease in androgen production.Changes in hormonal levels during adulthood are a natural part of the body's aging process. As androgen production decreases, sexual function diminishes and sexual function decreases, but does not disappear completely.Impotence or erectile dysfunction after 50 years is a condition that can and should be treated. Doctors believe that it's too early for a man to consider himself out at 50, because at this age you can have an active sex life and even become a father, but only if you pay close attention to your health.Therefore, changes in hormonal levels can have a negative impact on sexual performance, but in healthy men, such changes can lead to decreased sexual function but not impotence. For the development of complete impotence, natural changes are not enough, so the disease develops in the presence of aggravating factors.Less effective men and women over 50The causes of impotence after the age of 50 are various diseases and poor lifestyle. These include:
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • Hyperosmolar disease;
  • diabetes;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Cerebrovascular disease;
  • obesity.
It is necessary to consider each possible cause in more detail in order to understand the origin of the development of efficacy problems.
Among the causes of early impotence, prostate disease ranks first. Congestive prostatitis is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction.
The disease occurs due to violation of the outflow of prostate secretions. The result is non-infectious inflammation of the organ. With prostatitis, the tone of the bladder changes, the urethra becomes narrowed, urodynamics and the movement of prostate secretions are disturbed. Congestion can disrupt the normal circulatory processes of the pelvic organs, including blood flow to the penis. All these processes lead first to a weakened erection and then to complete impotence. The same phenomenon is observed in prostate adenomas and some testicular inflammatory diseases.Obesity and lack of exercise are two enemies of a normal erection. These conditions can cause congestion in the pelvic organs, which, over time, can lead to erectile dysfunction.Arterial hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a special position. Impaired blood flow primarily affects the blood supply to the lower parts of the body. In heart failure, blood flow to the penis can be disrupted. In arterial hypertension, erectile dysfunction is caused not so much by a persistent increase in blood pressure as by taking medications that control it. Antihypertensive medications can negatively affect male sexual function. Impotence is most commonly listed as a side effect of these medications. In diabetes, nerve conduction and blood circulation in the lower body are impaired. This condition occurs due to decompensated forms of the disease and improper treatment of diabetes. Continuously elevated blood sugar levels can damage blood vessel structures and may be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction in middle-aged men.Dysfunction or hyperactivity of the thyroid gland can cause changes in hormone levels. Erectile dysfunction is equally common in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In addition to impotence, these diseases are accompanied by numerous symptoms of dysfunction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.Any cerebrovascular disease can lead to disruption of nerve impulse conduction. Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease, severe spinal injuries—all of these can cause erections to decrease or disappear altogether.The cause of the disease largely determines the treatment options for male impotence after the age of 50.Diabetes and how poor potency increases after age 50

signs of impotence

It is necessary to distinguish early impotence from age-related decline in sexual function. In the first case, symptoms of impotence suddenly appear after 50 years; in the second case, sexual performance slowly decreases until complete dysfunction.The symptoms of impotence in a 50-year-old man will help you self-diagnose your impotence. These include:
  • Erection weakens or disappears completely;
  • Erection gradually disappears during sexual intercourse and cannot be completed;
  • Inability to initiate sexual intercourse due to insufficient penis enlargement;
  • Sexual desire for the opposite sex decreases or disappears completely.
The presence of at least one of the symptoms listed is good reason to see a doctor.It is important to consider that impotence and its symptoms at age 50 may only be temporary. The symptoms listed are a variation of what is normal for men who have just developed a serious illness and are taking medications that reduce their effectiveness (antihypertensives) for a long time. Temporary impotence may also be caused by psychological problems, regular stress and an unfavorable family atmosphere.Only a doctor can accurately diagnose impotence and choose the best treatment plan after a comprehensive diagnosis.

How to deal with problems?

The risk of impotence increases with age, so it's important to know how to deal with impotence over the age of 50. Since in the vast majority of cases a decrease in sexual function is due to the presence of any disease, a comprehensive physical examination is necessary. Steps to restore an erection should only be taken after treating the underlying condition causing impotence. Prostatitis plays a leading role in the causes of impotence. The disease can be asymptomatic for long periods of time and therefore often goes untreated. If your doctor diagnoses prostate inflammation, long-term, complex treatment will be required. Adequate treatment of the underlying condition will restore normal effectiveness.If you have arterial hypertension, you should talk to a cardiologist about replacing your medications with milder medications. What often causes impotence are antihypertensive drugs.Restoration of erections is carried out with the help of drugs and folk remedies. Additionally, men must rethink their lifestyle.Men over 50 years old with poor sexual performance should see a doctor

potency medicine

Medication treatment depends on the reason why the drug is less effective. Therapeutic uses:
  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (fast-acting drugs);
  • Selective α2-blocker.
  • dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies;
  • Hormone drugs.
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors are known as fast-acting pills. Such drugs have significant effects and help achieve an erection quickly, but they have many contraindications. The main condition for taking such drugs is sexual attraction to the opposite sex. For psychological impotence, such medications are ineffective when a man does not feel attracted to his partner.Enhancer pills after 50 years oldAnother drawback is that fast-acting medications do not cure impotence. They can eliminate the main symptom, which is weak erection, within a certain period of time. When birth control pills stop working, the erection disappears.Selective alpha2 blockers are powerful aphrodisiacs. One drug in this group stimulates blood flow to the penis due to its effect on the central nervous system. Although the drug belongs to a different group, the drug's mechanism of action is similar to that of the tablet.Hormone drugs that affect testosterone synthesis can only be prescribed by a doctor. The use of such drugs is recommended in the presence of endocrine and hormonal disorders, but in cases of normal hormone production such drugs can be harmful. The disadvantage of any hormonal drug is that there are a large number of contraindications and side effects.A safe way to self-treat impotence is to take dietary supplements. These medications are not medications but work like vitamins. Dietary supplements can improve blood supply to the penis and have a positive impact on hormone levels, gradually improving erections. The disadvantage of dietary supplements is that their use is lengthy. Such drugs will work only if there are no pathological causes of erectile dysfunction. In cases of stress and overexertion, dietary supplements are recommended as independent remedies, but impotence caused by prostatitis or diabetes cannot be cured by nutritional supplements. The most popular functional dietary supplements:
  • Peruvian Maca;
  • Lovelace Ford;
  • The Emperor's Secret;
  • Golden horse.
Dietary supplement choices should be balanced and meaningful. You must read the instructions and research its ingredients before starting to take it. You should only take proven herbal preparations.

folk remedies

Effective folk remedies are various decoctions and infusions with a nourishing effect.
You can often find recommendations for using St. John's Wort. In fact, this plant is poisonous and long-term use can lead to poisoning. St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties, but the impact of its effectiveness remains questionable. This therapy can be used to treat prostatitis and other genitourinary diseases, but the course of treatment is limited. In order to directly treat impotence, it is better to give priority to other means.
An effective and safe traditional medicine is ginseng root infusion. The plant has tonic properties and acts as an aphrodisiac, so its positive effect on libido is unquestionable. You can take an alcohol tincture (10 drops twice a day) or a decoction. To prepare the decoction, pour a tablespoon of the roots into a cup of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. After cooling, strain the product and take two tablespoons twice a day. Treatment takes three weeks.The juice of celery stalks or a decoction of the roots will help increase potency. To prepare the decoction, grate 30 g of the roots and boil them in a glass of water for 10 minutes.

How to stay active into old age

Restoring potency is possible, but this requires long-term treatment. It's easier to prevent the development of impotence by following some simple rules:
  • less nervous;
  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • exercise regularly;
  • Take frequent walks where the air is fresh;
  • Have sex regularly;
  • Healthy Food;
  • Treat all illnesses promptly.
You should introduce more antioxidant foods into your diet. Men should eat at least one citrus fruit - orange or grapefruit - every day. They contain antioxidants and tones. You need to eat celery and garlic a few times a week and add honey and walnuts to your diet. Tomatoes and pumpkin seeds are good for men's health. Testosterone production increases with red meat intake, but you should not abuse it in old age. The allowed standard is approximately 200 grams of meat per day.Prevention must start at a young age. By making lifestyle changes at age 30, men can stay healthy into old age.